
Friday, 25 February 2011

Jenis jenis Molding plastik

Beberapa Jenis Molding Plastik
Mold (cetakan) adalah rongga tempat material leleh (plastik atau logam) untuk dibentuk sesuai keinginan.Mold terdiri dari beberapa bagian,untuk contoh pada Molding Injection itu terdiri dua bagian yaitu pelat bergerak (moveable plate) dan pelat diam (statioary plate).Pada Blow Molding juga terdapat bagian yang sama,bergerak dan tidak bergerak.

Beberapa Jenis Molding Plastik :

* Injection molding
* Compression molding
* Transfer molding
* Extrusion molding
* Blow molding
* Rotational molding
* Laminating
* Foam molding
* Rotomolding
* Vacuum plug assist molding
* Pressure plug assist molding
* Matched mold


9 komentar :

ada gak ya tiorinya ama gambar2 cara mencetak plastik menjadi sesuatu (yang kerjanya simpel untuk home produksi)

klu home industry biasanya pake vacum molding mas bro

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saya mau nanya line bending masuk yang mana !!!

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The worst that can happen with a quick examination is finding one or two mold colonies, but it can mean the difference between needing a full house inspection and a once-over by the expert. If you are curious to know more about mold testing, check out this site.

In fact, because the time required to cool the plastic is so slow, the product may never leave the injection chamber until it is completely cooled, and then it can be machined into the desired size. You are curious to know more about rotationally molded products, click here.

It also allows the creation of custom graphics. And unlike injection molding, the process requires minimal tooling and retooling, so there is a lower cost to production. Furthermore, the versatility of rotational molding makes it an excellent choice for a variety of products. To get more detailed info about rotomolding, head over to the website.

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